Rebecca Douros

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Ever feel like checking out, giving up, throwing in the towel?

If so, this one’s for you.

Change starts with leaning into the uncomfortable in tolerable amounts that work for you and your nervous system - whether it’s a new job, a change at your job, a new life mission, a new relationship, the end of a relationship, the start of a new wellness journey, or even simply navigating and making change in your everyday life...

Whatever it is, neuroscience is proving that people who are successful and who are happy are not going through change alone.

Why? Well, b/c we are habitual human beings who repeat patterns that often sabotage us, bringing us back to comfort and predictability vs moving forward into something new that’s uncomfortable.

Several years ago I built a team of HIGH QUALITY support as I experimented imperfectly in my life. Included a Life Coach, Business Coach, Finance Coach, Relationship Coach and Therapist.

I made a commitment to stop living the same year over with the same blue print patterns, the same self-sabotaging behaviors, that I now know are my blind spots.

I have made myself a priority to heal, learn, grow and evolve so I am able to show up and be the best version of myself in all areas of my life!

When we are supported and we can co-regulate with someone unbiased, trusting and is our safe place, we are certain that change will happen.

Vs the alternative, of shutting down, curling up into a ball, checking out, throwing in the towel, numbing out, moving on too fast, procrastinating and the list goes on.

This past week I “checked out” several times for several reasons. Life was uncomfortable in my business, my personal life, my wellness journey but b/c I am well supported, I worked through these moments with my support in tolerable amounts! I have come out the other side feeling a little tired ;), but also certain on where I am headed, and boy I am fueled knowing I get to create and live a full life I love.

Make today the day you commit to stop “throwing in the towel”, staying stuck and/or giving up, and instead look for support to help you move through the uncomfortable in tolerable amounts that allow you to live a life you love.

It’s all possible and available to every single one of us xx.

Much love,
