Are Your Own Habits Holding You Back? How to Overcome Self-Sabotage...
Hello, lovely people! A topic that comes up often…
Self Sabotage!
At one point or another we all struggle with it. Briana Wiest describes self-sabotage as "the act of getting in the way of our own dreams and aspirations." It's a common problem, but fortunately, throughout the years I’ve created a 5-Step process that can help you overcome it.
Step 1: Identify your patterns of self-sabotage. Take some time to reflect on your life and think about the times when you've held yourself back. Do you tend to procrastinate when you have deadlines approaching? Do you avoid taking risks because you're afraid of failure? Once you identify your patterns, you'll be able to recognize them in the future and take action to break them.
Step 2: Practice self-compassion. As Briana Wiest points out, "self-sabotage is a symptom of a lack of self-love." It's important to be kind to yourself, even when you make mistakes. Don't beat yourself up over past failures or missed opportunities. Instead, practice self-compassion by speaking to yourself kindly and reminding yourself that you're doing the best you can.
Step 3: Take small steps toward your goals. When you're feeling overwhelmed or stuck, it can be helpful to break your goals down into smaller, more manageable steps. This will help you stay motivated and feel a sense of accomplishment along the way. Remember, progress is progress, no matter how small.
Step 4: Get support from others. Sometimes, we need a little help from our friends. Don't be afraid to reach out to a trusted friend, family member, therapist, coach when you're struggling with self-sabotage. Talking about your feelings and getting an outside un-bias perspective can be incredibly helpful.
Step 5: Embrace vulnerability. As Briana Wiest says, "the more we're willing to be vulnerable with ourselves, the more we'll be able to see the ways in which we hold ourselves back." It takes courage to confront our fears and insecurities, but it's so worth it. When we're willing to be vulnerable, we open ourselves up to growth and change, and who doesn’t want that…
Remember, it's a process, and it won't happen overnight. But with time, patience, and a little self-compassion, you can break the cycle of self-sabotage and create the life you want.
Who’s in?
Sending you love and light.
Xx Rebecca