Rebecca Douros

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The Power of Social Media

Did you know there are 550million people connected through social media? That accounts for 1 in 14 people on this planet. As we know, there are many opinions and pros and cons around this whole new social media world we live in....for business there are a lot of opportunities to promote, sell and spread knowledge...but, until it happen to me this past weekend, I never knew how strong the power of social media could be when you lose a loved one. It served and continues to serve as a platform for love, encouragement and the sharing of memories....

My family grieves over the loss of an incredible women in our life, my Aunt Diane. Her passing came so sudden, so shocking to all of us...with family and friends spread across Canada and the USA, Facebook gave us the chance to bond and express ourselves, through words and beautiful pictures, immediately. I never felt alone. I got to feel my Aunt's love through her son's, my uncle, her BFF, her cousin all who lives over 500km away.....even hearing from Facebook friends-of-friends who I've never met, gave me strength and encouragement; it reminded me of how lucky we are to be surrounded by such wonderful people.

The next week will be a tough one as we lay to rest such an amazing women...this pain and sadness shared on Facebook has opened the door to reconnect with family and friends and for that I'm so grateful, knowing I will never be alone and my aunt's memory will continue to bond us, exactly what she would want.

Social Media is powerful, use it to enrich your life....

Hugs XO Rebecca