'Get the skinny' on Gratitude!

Gratitude doesn't mean that life is perfect and it's not that we are trying to avoiding complaining etc... It just that it encourages us to see & focus on the goodness in our life, and who doesn't want that ;) It also allows us to celebrate and be present. It magnifies positive emotions & it blocks toxic, negative ones, such as envy, resentment, regret—all emotions that can destroy happiness. It's also proven that grateful people have a tendency to be more 'stress resistant' with a higher sense of self-worth!

Studies have been done on people ages eight to 80, which found people who practice gratitude consistently report many benefits, including:

Physical • Stronger immune systems • Less bothered by aches and pains • Lower blood pressure • Exercise more and take better care of their health • Sleep longer and feel more refreshed upon waking

Psychological • Higher levels of positive emotions • More alert, alive, and awake • More joy and pleasure • More optimism and happiness

Social • More helpful, generous, and compassionate • More forgiving • More outgoing • Feel less lonely and isolated.

-Robert Emmons, World Leading Scientific Expert on Gratitude

Look around you,  do you notice the people who are living full of thankfulness are experiencing life very differently than people who are cheat themselves by not feeling grateful? Hmm, I think I know the answer to that obvious question xx


So, this leads me to ask, 

Rebecca xx