Change Starts from Within

Let’s face it: There are things that we want to change, could be the traffic, pollution, corruption, dirty neighborhood, gossiping in the workplace, messy home, negative mindset… Occasionally, we also blame other people for our "miserable" or "stressed" life, in denial of our own shortcomings... Are you doing your part to make things different? Do you take action to alter or improve what you don’t like in “life”? Inspired by the words of wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi, “you must be the change you want to see in the world.” I can attest to the truth of this statement. Before trying to change what's around you, always start with yourself. Indeed, the REAL change starts from within.


How you might ask?

Start with reframing your thoughts & taking positive action!

During my journey to self-discovery, I learned to take responsibility for my actions, my behavior, my life, regardless of what had been thrown my way... I created my Abundance Within, accepting my flaws, understanding my strengths, and connecting to a deeper, more meaningful level. I became an example of hope in inspiring others to pause, assess their situations, and eventually take the steps needed to live a life full of joy & meaning!

Of course, this is easier said than done, it takes a lot of effort, courage and determination. Change is a process that takes time.

What 3-simple action steps can you take today to create your change within? If you’re feeling overwhelmed by something, instead of complaining, venting or taking on the victim role, what small steps can you take today? Remember, small steps are better than no steps….momentum and change all starts with taking positive action!

Leave a message in the comments section with your 3-Steps! Let’s create the change we want to see, and stop the ‘blame game’, it always start within...